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History of the Site

In 2015 the application (ref 20/1734/MOUT) was for 53 houses.  We started a campaign to get this objected to by the residents and a massive 695 objections were logged against this application.  EDDC refused it by delegated authority due to several key reasons, one being road and pedestrian safety with a robust refusal by Devon County Council Highway Authority.

The land is outside the Build Up Area Boundary of the town (BUAB) and thus in the countryside, and the land is grade 2 agricultural land.

In 2020 (ref 20/1974/MOUT) the application was re-submitted, this time for 63 houses. Again the town responded with 286 objections.  Again, this application was refused by EDDC by delegated authority due to the same reasons with once more a robust refusal from DCC Highway Authority.

In 2022, one year after the last refusal, the application was submitted for a 3rd time (22/1973/MOUT), receiving nearly 500 comments and objections from the local community. It was turned down again by EDDC in the autumn of 2023, although DCC Highways had changed their position and were no longer objecting on Highways grounds. The reason for this is unknown, and despite requests a reason has not been forthcoming. There had been no changes to highways requirements or legislation in the meantime.

Following this 3rd refusal, the landowners decided to take it to appeal (reference APP/U1105/W/24/3336475), which is due to be heard by the Planning Inspectorate, with written submissions by 17th May.