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Agricultural Land Classification

The land owners consortium have previously attempted to have the grade 2 greenfield site downgraded to grade 3 in an attempt to justify its use for development.

The EDDC Delegated Report of 2021, described the land as such…

The site itself is well maintained agricultural land with few visual detractors and makes a
positive contribution to the character of the surrounding rural landscape and setting for the

The same Delegated report made the following conclusion in response to the applicant’s Agricultural Land Survey…

Based on these considerations it is concluded that the land is correctly classed as grade 2,
which is the conclusion reached by the consultant following soil sampling and prior to taking
into account irrelevant or poorly evidenced factors to downgrade it

“The loss of 2.7 hectares of best and most versatile agricultural land therefore weighs against
the proposal in accordance with policy EN13 of the Local Plan and paragraph 174(b) of the